
Life Processes Worksheet-9

Life Processes Worksheet-9


  1. Name the artery which contains deoxygenated blood.


  1. Where do kidneys lie in the human body?


  1. Name the process which helps in artificial removal of wastes from the body.


  1. What is translocation?


  1. Name a plant which does not have a transport system.


  1. What is a guard cell?


  1. What is the role of stomata in transpiration?


  1. Name the organ which pumps blood in the body.


  1. Name the tissues responsible for the translocation of food in plants.


  1. Name the process by which plants lose water.


  1. Which contains less nitrogenous waste - the renal vein or renal artery?


  1. Name that component of the vascular bundle which transports food from the leaves to different parts of a plant.


  1. Why is plasma of blood straw-coloured?


  1. Name the system responsible for transportation of material in human beings.


  1. Which of the two - arteries or veins have thick walls?


  1. What is the main function of lymph nodes?


  1. Name the smallest blood vessel.


  1. What is the life span of red blood corpuscles?


  1. Which part of kidney acts as dialysis bag?


  1. Name the structure which stores urine temporarily.



  1. Pulmonary artery.


  1. Kidneys lie inside the abdomen on both the sides of the vertebral column.


  1. Haemodialysis.


  1. Translocation is defined as the process of transport of food from leaves to other parts of the plant body through phloem.


  1. Chlamydomonas.


  1. The kidney shaped cells surrounding a tiny aperture to form stoma are known as guard cells.


  1. Stomata takes out the extra amount of water in the form of water vapours. The rate of transpiration is directly proportional to the number of stomata.


  1. Heart.


  1. Phloem.


  1. Transpiration.


  1. Renal vein.


  1. Phloem tissue.


  1. Because red blood corpuscle is absent.


  1. Blood circulatory system.


  1. Arteries have thick walls.


  1. Lymph nodes acts as filters for the bacteria and other foreign particles by preventing them from entering the bloodstream and causing infection.


  1. Capillaries.


  1. 120 days.


  1. Glomeruli of the kidney acts as dialysis bag.


  1. Urinary bladder.