
English Olympiad Grade 1 Vocabulary Worksheet-2

Vocabulary Worksheet-2


  1. With the help of picture, answer the given question:

       A ______ is a reptile.

picture worksheet class 1

       A. Crocodile      B. Parrot           C. Crow             D. Wolf


  1. What is the colour of cap?

       A. Red                 B. Green             C. Blue               D. Purple

Comprehension worksheet for class 1 olympiad

  1. What is the colour of flower shown below?

       A. Yellow & Green                        B. Pink & Green        

       C. Purple & Yellow                       D. Black & Green


  1. With the help of picture, answer the given question:

       ____ is the fastest animal on Land.

       A. Cheetah         B. Whale            C. Lion               D. Cow


  1. With the help of picture, answer the given question:

       _______ has the most powerful jaws on the planet.

english learning activities for grade 1

       A. Cat                 B. Shark             C. Squirrel         D. Parrot


  1. With the help of picture, answer the given question:

       A _____ is a king of jungle

king of jungle

       A. Lion               B. Rabbit           C.  Shark            D. Pig


  1. What colour shapes are shown in the below image?

colour worksheet grade 1

       A. Black, Red, Orange, White and Blue

       B. Red, Purple, Green and Yellow and Blue

       C. Black, Blue, Green, Yellow, Blue and Orange

       D. Black, Brown, Green, White, Blue and Pink


  1. What colour are the grapes?

identify the picture worksheet grade 1

       A. Purple           B. Brown            C. Red                 D. Green


  1. What colour is the watermelon?

fun and learn activities for kids

       A. Pink               B. Red                 C. Orange          D. Purple


  1. What colour is the hand bag?

play and learn activities

       A. Pink               B. Blue                C. Orange          D. Brown


  1. What Colour is the car?

picture worksheets for class 1 english

       A. Pink               B. Blue                C. Red                 D. Brown


  1. What is the colour of Ice Cream bowl in the image?

learning english online for kids

       A. Pink                B. Blue                C. Red                 D. Yellow


  1. What is the colour of window curtain in the below image?

activity sheets for kids

       A. Green             B. Blue                C. Red                 D. Yellow


  1. What is the colour of umbrella?

printable activity sheets

       A. Green             B. Pink                C. Red                 D. Yellow


  1. What is the colour of Shoes in the image?

grade 1 activity sheets

       A. Green             B. Red                C. Red                 D. Yellow


  1. Identify the food shown in the picture.

kids learning activities

       A. Bread             B. Pizza              C. Ice cream     D. Cake


  1. Identify the food shown in the picture.

identify the food-kids vocabulary worksheet

       A. Soup              B. Pizza              C. Eggs               D. Bread


  1. Identify the food shown in the picture.

identify the dish-class 1 activities

       A. Cake               B. Pizza              C. Salad             D. Hamburger


  1. Identify the food shown in the picture.

grade 1 -identify the food worksheet

       A. Eggs and bacon                       B. Cheese

       C. Pasta                                            D. Bread


  1. Identify the food shown in the picture.

english vocabulary worksheet kindergarten

       A. Eggs               B. Pasta              C. Salad             D. Hamburger



(1)–A; (2)–D; (3)–A; (4)–C; (5)–B; (6)–A; (7)–B; (8)–D; (9)–B; (10)–B; (11)–C; (12)–D; (13)–A; (14)–B; (15)–B; (16)–C; (17)–B; (18)–D; (19)–D; (20)–B