
Our Body Worksheet-8

Our Body Worksheet-8


Fill in the blanks:

  1. The organs that help us to digest food forms our ______ system.
  2. Food passes down the stomach through _____.
  3. _____ is a sac-like organ where the food gets mixed thorougly.
  4. The undigested food is thrown out through the ______.
  5. The air we breathe in is called _____ air.
  6. The air we breathe out is called ______ air.
  7. Exhaled air is impure as it has more of a gas called _____.
  8. The brain has messengers called ________ that send instructions to muscles, bones, and other body parts.
  9. The ______ cord connects all parts of the body to the brain.
  10. Our _____ pumps blood to various organs of our body.
  11. Our ______ system cleans our body by throwing out body wastes like urine and sweat.
  12. The _____ system helps in producing young ones.


Answer Key:

  1. Digestive
  2. Food pipe
  3. Stomach
  4. Anus
  5. Inhaled
  6. Exhaled
  7. carbon dioxide
  8. Nerves/nerve
  9. Spinal
  10. Heart
  11. Excretory
  12. Reproductive