
English Olympiad Grade 3 Worksheet-3

English Grammar Worksheet-3


  1. Choose the right kind of sentence.

Please get my book, Trisha.

A. declarative                               B. imperative

C. exclamation                              D. interrogative


  1. Choose the right prepositional phrase to make the sentence correct.

Manisha keeps quiet when she is____.

A. at the park                                B. in the library

C. on the boat                                D. none of these

See more practice tests for English adverbs

  1. What is the noun marker in this sentence?

The happy rat smiles.

A. happy            B. The                 C. smiles            D. none of these


  1. What does a noun marker do?

A. warns us that a noun is coming

B. shows action

C. describes a person

D. none of these


  1. What is the special noun in this sentence?

I walked my dog, Tuffy.

A. I                      B. dog                 C. my                  D. Tuffy


  1. Put the correct punctuation.

Do you like to play soccer

A. ?                      B. .                       C. !                      D. none of these


  1. Put the correct punctuation.

I like to play soccer

A. ?                      B. .                       C. !                      D. none of these


  1. Put the correct punctuation.

Do you need any help

A. ?                      B. .                       C. !                      D. none of these


  1. Put the correct punctuation.

We won the game

A. ?                      B. .                       C. !                      D. none of these


  1. Put the correct punctuation.

Please give me a pencil

A. ?                      B. .                       C. !                      D. none of these


  1. Put the correct punctuation.

What is your name

A. ?                      B. .                       C. !                      D. none of these


  1. Put the correct punctuation.

Where is my pencil

A. ?                      B. .                       C. !                      D. none of these


  1. Put the correct punctuation.

Ahhhh, I am afraid of the dark

A. ?                      B. .                       C. !                      D. none of these


  1. Put the correct punctuation.

Who has a green jacket

A. ?                      B. .                       C. !                      D. none of these


  1. Choose the right adverb.

Disha wakes up _____to prepare for the school.

A. early               B. late                 C. hour               D. bed


Answer Keys

(1)–B; (2)–B; (3)–B; (4)–A; (5)–D; (6)–A; (7)–B; (8)–A; (9)–C; (10)–C; (11)–A; (12)–A; (13)–C; (14)–A; (15)–A