
Antonyms and Synonyms Worksheet-2

Antonyms and Synonyms Worksheet-2


  1. Find the antonyms of the following word: Float

A. Sink                B. Tough            C. Smooth         D. Tight


  1. Find the antonyms of the following word: Enthusiastic

A. Superior        B. Succeed         C. Reluctant      D. Deny


  1. Find the antonyms of the following word: Accurate

A. Correct          B. Incorrect       C. Precise          D. Offer

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  1. Find the antonyms of the following word: Create

A. Inferior         B. Tardy             C. Perfect           D. Destroy


  1. Find the antonyms of the following word: Famous

A. Popular         B. Unknown      C. Wealthy        D. Fertile


  1. Find the synonyms of the following word: Annually

A. Yearly            B. Monthly        C. Weekly          D. Thoroughly


  1. Find the synonyms of the following word: Burglar

A. Thief               B. Worth            C. Saint              D. Humble


  1. Find the synonyms of the following word: Chiefly

A. Lively             B. Mainly           C. Picky              D. Admit

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  1. Find the synonyms of the following word: Conflict

A. Disagreement                           B. Agreement

C. Arrangement                            D. Conquer


  1. Find the synonyms of the following word: Starvation

A. Tough            B. Assembly      C. Hunger          D. Imagination


Answer Keys:

1. A; 2. C; 3. B; 4. D; 5. B; 6. A; 7. A; 8. B; 9. A; 10. C