
Solid, Liquid & Gases Worksheet-4

Solid, Liquid & Gases Worksheet-4


Multiple Choice Questions:

  1. What is the process of change of gas into a liquid called?

(a) Condensation       (b) Melting                 (c) Evaporation 


  1. What is the solid that dissolves in a liquid called?

(a) Solute                    (b) Solvent                  (c) Solution


  1. What is the liquid in which a solid dissolves called?

(a) Solute                    (b) Solvent                  (c) Solution


  1. What is the liquid obtained when a solute dissolves in a solvent called?

(a) Solute                    (b) Solvent                  (c) Solution


  1. When we add sugar to water, we will get ______ taste of water.

(a) sweet                      (b) sour                        (c) bitter


  1. We get _______ milk when we add sugar to milk.

(a) sweet                      (b) sour                        (c) bitter


Multiple Choice Questions: (More than One Option)

  1. Air is a mixture of which of the following gases?

[a] Oxygen                  [b] Nitrogen               [c] Carbon dioxide

[d] Mercury                [e] Iron


  1. Matter exists in how many forms?

[a] Solids                     [b] Liquids                  [c] Gases

[d] Solutes                  [e] Solvents


Answer Key

  1. A
  2. A
  3. B
  4. C
  5. A
  6. A
  7. A,B,C
  8. A,B,C