

Interactive quizzes & worksheets on Adjectives & adverbs, Antonyms and synonyms, Compound & confusing words, Conjunctions, Homonyms & homophones, Idioms & proverbs, Nouns, Parts of speech, Prepositions and Prefix, suffix & syllables for grade-4 olympiad english students.
Total Questions : 260+
Pattern of questions : Multiple Choice Questions

The Complete Course of Grammar Worksheet-16


  1. What is your favorite ____ ?

A. subgect          B. subdject        C. subjekt          D. subject


  1. I need a ____of dollars to buy some paper.

A. cuople            B. cuple              C. coupel            D. couple

See more english practice tests on pronouns

  1. Do not ____a hot stove!

A. toch                B. touch             C. tuch                D. touc


  1. Which verb correctly completes the sentence?

The little boy was very careful as he______ near the ledge.

A. standed         B. standing        C. stood              D. stoods


  1. Choose the correct form of good or bad to complete the sentence.

My pen is ______than Mary's pen.

A. good               B. better             C. best                D. none of these


  1. Choose the correct form of good or bad to complete the sentence.

That was the_____ baseball game I've seen all year.

A. good               B. better             C. best                D. none of these

grade 4 english worksheets for olympiad preparations

  1. Choose the sentence that shows correct punctuation:

A. 'Can you explain the assignment again? Anu asked. I'm confused.'

B. 'Can you explain the assignment again Anu asked. I'm confused.'

C. 'Can you explain the assignment again? Anu, asked. I'm confused.'

D. none of these


  1. Find the synonym of the given word : Annually

A. Yearly            B. Monthly        C. Weekly          D. Thoroughly


  1. Find the synonym of the given word : Lacking

A. Rising            B. Missing         C. Forcefully     D. Empty


  1. Find the synonym of the given word : Chiefly

A. Lively            B. Mainly           C. Picky              D. Admit


Answer Keys:

(1)–D; (2)–D; (3)–B; (4)–C; (5)–B; (6)–C; (7)–C; (8)–A; (9)–B; (10)–B