
Solar System Worksheet-5

Solar System Worksheet-5


Multiple Choice Questions:

  1. Which was the first Russian astronaut to visit space?

(a) Neil Armstrong   (b) Yuri Gagarin        (c) Kalpana Chawla


  1. Who orbited the Earth in 108 minutes?

(a) Neil Armstrong   (b) Yuri Gagarin        (c) Kalpana Chawla


  1. Which was the first American astronaut to set foot on the moon?

(a) Neil Armstrong   (b) Yuri Gagarin        (c) Kalpana Chawla


  1. Which Indian astronaut visited space and died on February 1, 2003?

(a) Neil Armstrong   (b) Yuri Gagarin        (c) Kalpana Chawla


  1. The temperature on the moon can be as low as ____°C at night.

(a) -173                        (b) -109                       (c) -99


  1. At which angle is the axis of the Earth tilted?

(a) 24.5°                      (b) 23.5°                      (c) 26.5°


  1. What causes seasons?

(a) Revolution            (b) Rotation


  1. Identify the name of the planet from the given picture.

(a) Mercury                (b) Venus                    (c) Mars


  1. Identify the name of the planet from the given picture.

(a) Mercury                (b) Venus                    (c) Mars


  1. Identify the name of the planet from the given picture.

(a) Earth                     (b) Venus                    (c) Mars


Answer Key:

(1)-B; (2)-B; (3)-A; (4)-C; (5)-A; (6)-B; (7)-A; (8)-A; (9)-B; (10)-A