
Skeletal System & Nervous System Worksheet-1

Skeletal System & Nervous System Worksheet-1


Multiple-Choice Question:

  1. The bones of our body forms:

(A) Muscular system

(B) Nervous system

(C) Skeletal system


  1. Which of the following animals do not have bones?

(A) Earthworm          (B) Dolphin                 (C) Whale


  1. A network of bones that is present around the chest is known as:

(A) Rib cage               (B) Chest armour      (C) Rib cavity


  1. Which of the following pairs of ribs are not attached to sternum?

(A) 1st and 2nd pair

(B) 5th and 6th pair

(C) 11th and 12th pair


  1. Which of the following is a tough, elastic substance that holds the bone at the joints?

(A) Muscles                 (B) Tendon                 (C) Cartilage


  1. The ______ connects all the parts of the body to the brain.

(A) Heart                     (B) Liver                      (C) Spinal cord


  1. Identify the type of joint marked “X” in the given picture.

(A) Gliding joint        (B) Hinge joint           (C) Ball and socket joint


  1. Which of the following is the control centre of the entire body?

(A) The spinal cord

(B) The backbone

(C) The brain


  1. Which of the following part of human brain is responsible for the activities like heartbeat, breathing, swallowing and sneezing?

(A) Cerebellum          (B) Medulla                (C) Cerebrum


Multiple Choice Questions (with more than one option):

  1. Mark the different organ system/s of our body.

(A) Nervous system            (B) Digestive system

(C) Muscles                          (D) Excretory system

(E) Nose


Answer Key:

(1)-(C); (2)-(A); (3)-(A); (4)-(C); (5)-(C); (6)-(C); (7)-(A); (8)-(C); (9)-(B); (10)  (A,B,D)