
Geometry & Mensuration Worksheet-11

Geometry & Mensuration Worksheet-11


  1. What geometric term describes the red line shown on the circle below?

A. diameter                                   B. center            

C. circumference                          D. radius


  1. Which term describes MN and PQ in the following figure?

A. parallel lines                            B. intersecting line segments

C. intersecting lines                     D. intersecting rays


  1. What do you call a triangle that has all three angles and all three sides different?

A. scalene triangle                       B. isosceles triangle

C. equilateral triangle                 D. right triangle


  1. In the parallelogram shown below, the area of ABD is 18 square inches. What is the area of ABCD?

A. 9 square inches                       B. 24 square inches

C. 36 square inches                     D. 45 square inches


  1. Line has _____ fixed length.

A. no                   B. some              C. a                      D. none of these


  1. A line AB is parallel to the line CD. This is symbolically written as:

A.           B.          C.           D.


  1. The radius of the circle with diameter 7 cm is:

A. 14 cm             B. 3.5cm            C. 10 cm             D. 7 cm


  1. The triangular pieces in an instrument box are called as:

A. Protractors   B. compasses    C. scales             D. set squares


  1. Area of a square is given as:

A. Side × side    B. 3 × side         C. Side × 4         D. none of these


  1. If l = 150 cm, b = 1 m and h = 2 m, then the volume of the cuboid is:

A. 3,00,000 cu m                         B. 3,00,00,000 cu m

C. 30,00,000 cu m                      D. 30,000 cu m


Answer Key:

1. (d); 2. (c); 3. (a); 4. (c); 5. (a); 6. (d); 7. (b); 8. (d); 9. (a); 10. (c)