
Solids, Liquids & Gases Worksheet-2

Solids, Liquids & Gases Worksheet-2


Multiple Choice Questions (with more than one option):

  1. Which of the following statement/s is/are true for solid/s?

(A) It has definite shape

(B) It has definite volume

(C) It can flow

(D) The molecules are tightly packed in rigid pattern

(E) It takes the shape of the container


  1. True/False

a.      Matter contracts on heating.

b.      Aluminium expands on heating.

c.      Liquid takes the shape of the container.

d.      Kerosene is soluble in water.

e.      Movement of the molecules becomes slow on cooling the substance.

f.       The process of transformation (change) of ice into water is known as melting.

g.      Solids are usually hard.

h.      The process of transformation (change) of gas into liquid is known as condensation.


Fill in the blanks:

  1. The substance that has mass and occupies space is called _____.  
  2. The process of transformation (change) of solid into liquid is known as _____.   


Answer Key:

(12)  (A,B,D)

(13)  a. False; b. True; c. True; d. False; e. True; f. True; g. True; h. True

(14)  matter/ matters

(15)  melting/ meltings