
Number system worksheet-4

Find the greatest number in each of the following set of numbers.
  1. 435, 453, 534
(A) 435                        (B) 534                        (C) 453
  1. 72, 207, 270
(A) 207                        (B) 72                          (C) 270
  1. 5934, 3954, 5943
(A) 3954                      (B) 5934                      (C) 5943
  1. 78925, 86952, 88562
(A) 88562                   (B) 78925                    (C) 86952
Find the smallest number in each of the following set of numbers.
  1. 539, 362, 652
(A) 539                        (B) 362                        (C) 652
  1. 9652, 8953, 6589
(A) 9652                     (B) 6589                      (C) 8953
  1. 10596, 1596, 196
(A) 196                        (B) 1956                      (C) 10596
  1. 5963, 5693, 569
(A) 569                        (B) 5963                      (C) 5693
Find the series with ascending order of numbers.
  1. 27, 856, 72, 963, 958
(A) 963, 958, 856, 27, 72
(B) 27, 72, 856, 963, 958
(C) 27, 72, 856, 958, 963
  1. 14676, 16746, 12431, 16752
(A) 12431, 16752, 16746, 14676
(B) 12431, 14676, 16752, 16746
12431, 14676, 16746, 16752
  1. 10895, 18095, 10995, 19708, 19803
(A) 10895, 10995,18095,19708,19803
(B) 10895, 18095,10995,19708,19803
(C) 19803, 19708,18095,10995,10895
  1. 29705, 3420, 30156, 27095
(A) 27095, 29705,3420,30156
(B) 3420,27095,29705,30156
(C) 30156, 29705,27095,3420
Find the series with descending order of numbers.
  1. 532, 28, 792, 5890
(A) 792,5890,532,28
(B) 5890, 792, 532, 28
(C) 28, 792, 5890,532
  1. 5892, 5982, 5983, 9583
(A) 9583,5983,5982,5892
(B) 9583,5982,5892,5983
(C) 5982,5892,9583,5983
  1. 481230,048123,408123,480123
(A) 048123,408123,480123,481230
(B) 480123,408123,481230,048123
(C) 481230,480123,408123,048123
  1. 52863, 83652,58623,5862
(A) 52863, 83652,58623,5862
(B) 58623, 52863,83652,5862
(C) 83652, 58623,52863,5862
  1. If we want to measure the quantity of water, we use which of the following unit?
(A) Kilometre              (B) Metre                    (C) Litre
  1. The distance between two cities can be measured in which unit?
(A) Kilometre              (B) Litre                      (C) Centimetre            (D) Gram
  1. When do we use the unit of measurement ‘gram’ from the following situation?
(A) To measure length of a table.
(B) To measure weight of a pen.
(C) To measure weight of water in a bottle.
(D) To measure height of a person.
  1. Choose the roman numerals from below, which can never be repeated.
(A) I                            (B) X                           (C) D                           (D) M


Answer Key

  1. (B)

  2. (C)

  3. (C)

  4. (A)

  5. (B)

  6. (B)

  7. (A)

  8. (A)

  9. (C)

  10. (C)

  11. (A)

  12. (B)

  13. (B)

  14. (A)

  15. (C)

  16. (C)

  17. (C)

  18. (A)

  19. (B)

  20. (C)