Fun with magnets Worksheet-3
Multiple-Choice question:
(a) A magnet will get demagnetized
(b) That piece will get magnetized
(c) No effect
(a) Yes, we can create natural magnet of any shape
(b) No, hammering or striking may damage magnets
(c) Can’t say
(a) water (b) iron (c) lead (d) silver
(a) Fall faster under gravity than other non-magnetic substance
(b) Are always black and cold to touch
(c) Can exert force on other magnetic substances at a distance (not in contact with each other)
(d) Give “shock” when we touch them
(a) If electric current is switched off
(b) If electric current is switched on
(c) It is kept in contact with another magnet for long period of time
(d) It is heated and beaten
(a) Copper (b) Nickel (c) Steel (d) Iron
(a) lodestone (b) polerock (c) magic rock (d) wayfinder
(a) British (b) Chinese (c) Romans (d) Greeks
(a) Copper (b) Plastic (c) Iron (d) Brass
(a) Exists only outside the magnet in all directions around it
(b) Exists only inside the magnet in all directions around it
(c) Exists inside and outside the magnet in all directions around it
(d) Exists only at the poles of magnet
Answer Key: