
Getting to know plants Worksheet-3

Getting to know plants Worksheet-3


Fill in the blanks:

  1. The portion of the stem from which leaves arise is/are known as ____.
  2. ____ is a female reproductive part of a flower.


Multiple-Choice Question:

  1. Plants like grapevine, money plant have weak stems. They need support of other plants, walls, or stick to grow. Depending on the size and type of stems, they are classified as:

(A) Climbers        (B) Creepers        (C) Herbs


  1. The type of root system in which a single root (primary root) grows from the seed after germination and small lateral roots grow from the primary root is known as:

(A) Tap root system                       

(B) Fibrous root system

(C) None of these


  1. The leaves of Neem plant are bitter in taste. It has great medicinal value. What kind of roots is present in it?

(A) Tap roots      

(B) Fibrous roots

(C) Any of these


  1. Dodder plant has specialized roots known as:

(A) Parasitic roots                           

(B) Climbing roots

(C) Prop roots


  1. Which of the following is NOT an example of climbing roots?

(A) Money plant (B) Dodder           (C) Black pepper


  1. ____ of this plant are modified as___ to protect the plant from being eaten by other animals.

(A) Leaves, thorns                          

(B) Leaves, prickles

(C) Stems, prickles


  1. Food, water and mineral salts are transported to the other parts of a plant through a network of veins present in the leaves. This network or arrangement of veins in a leaf is known as:

(A) Venation        (B) Reticulation   (C) Any of these


  1. Which of the following is responsible for the green colouration of the leaves?

(A) Stomata         (B) Xanthophyll   (C) Chlorophyll


  1. ____ is a male reproductive part of a plant.

(A) Carpel            (B) Ovary             (C) Stamen


  1. When the pollination occur between two flowers of same species present on two different plants, it is known as:

(A) Cross-pollination                      

(B) Self-pollination

(C) None of these


  1. Pine has taproots, which type of venation is likely to be present in its leaves?

(A) Reticulate venation                  

(B) Parallel venation

(C) Any of these


  1. It is not necessary to dig out the plant to know its root system. The type of root system present in the plant can be identified by the:

(A) Pattern of venation present in the leaves

(B) Shape and size of the leaves

(C) Shape, size and colour of the flowers present on it


Multiple Choice Questions: (With More Than One Option)

  1. Mark the plants in which tap roots are found.

(A) Wheat            (B) Beetroot        (C) Pea

(D) Onion            (E) Carrot


  1. Stamen consists of:

(A) Filament        (B) Stigma           (C) Style

(D) Anther           (E) Ovary



  1. Pepper is a herb.
  2. The fibrous roots are thin and are almost equal in size.
  3. Leaves synthesize food in the form of fructose during the process of photosynthesis.
  4. Onion leaves have reticulate venation.
  5. Plants having tendrils are generally shrubs.
  6. Plants lose extra water through pigment called chlorophyll.
  7. Plant takes in oxygen from the atmosphere during the process of photosynthesis.


Answer key:

  1. Node/Nodes
  2. Carpel
  3. (A)
  4. (A)
  5. (A)
  6. (A)
  7. (B)
  8. (C)
  9. (A)
  10. (C)
  11. (C)
  12. (A)
  13. (A)
  14. (B)
  15. (B,C,E)
  16. (A,D)
  17. True
  18. True
  19. False
  20. False
  21. False
  22. False
  23. False