
Separation of substances Worksheet-6

Separation of substances Worksheet-6


Multiple-Choice Question:

  1. The process by which a solid changes directly into gas is called:

(A) decantation                               (B) sublimation

(C) condensation                             (D) sedimentation


  1. The liquid that passes through the filtering agent is called:

(A) Filter paper   (B) Filtrate           (C) Residue (D) Coagulant


  1. Evaporation followed by condensation occurs in:

(A) Filtration       (B) Sublimation   (C) Evaporation   (D) Distillation


  1. In a glass of water, we cannot dis­solve sugar more than a certain limit. At this stage, the solution is said to be:

(A) Saturated                                   (B) Unsaturated

(C) Supersaturated                          (D) Complete solution


  1. Iodine, camphor, ammonium chloride and naphthalene. Name the property that is common to all these substances.

(A) Same densities                          (B) Sublimation property

(C) Same melting points                 (D) Pure homogeneous mixtures


  1. Match the following:



  1. When molecules are near the same size, the process of filtration cannot be used to separate them (like with salt and water).
  2. The settling of heavier particles is called decantation.
  3. The solubility of crushed sugar is less than sugar cube.
  4. Solid mixtures are separated by distil­lation.
  5. Liquid mixtures are separated by dis­tillation.


Answer key:

  1.  (B)
  2. (B)
  3. (D)
  4. (A)
  5. (B)
  6. 1-d, 2-a, 3-e, 4-b, 5-c, 6-g, 7-f
  7. True
  8. False
  9. False
  10. False
  11. True