
Perfect present tenses Worksheet-4

Perfect present tenses Worksheet-4


Fill in the blank with the correct present perfect tense form:

  1. Sunita loves this school as she ____ here.

A. Is having studied                     B. Have studied

C. Has studied                               D. Had studied


  1. The men ____ the roads. Traffic is normal now.

A. Is having cleared                     B. Have cleared

C. Had cleared                              D. Has cleared


  1. Finally! The police ____ the thief.

A. Has caught                                B. Have caught

C. Had caught                               D. Is having caught


  1. Who ______ this picture?

A. Have painted                            B. Is having painted

C. Has painted                              D. Had painted


  1. Sunil is not hungry. He ____ a heavy lunch.

A. Have eaten                                B. Is having eaten

C. Had eaten                                  D. Has eaten


  1. The strong wind _____ my papers away.

A. Is having blown                       B. Has blowed

C. Has blown                                 D. Had blown


  1. Oh no! My parrot ____ away! Its cage is empty!

A. Is having flowed                      B. Have flown

C. Has flowed                                D. Has flown


  1. Many new malls ____ down lately.

A. Have shut                                  B. Had shut

C. Have shutted                            D. Has shut


  1. The people ____ Mr. Kohli their leader.

A. Have made                                B. Has made

C. Is having made                        D. Had made


  1. Mother ____ four cakes for the party tomorrow.

A. Has baked                                 B. Have baked

C. Is having baked                        D. Had baked


Answer Key:

  1. C

Explanation: Since the subject is singular, ‘has studied’ is the correct present perfect tense form.


  1. B

Explanation: Since the subject is plural, ‘have cleared’ is the correct present perfect tense form.


  1. B

Explanation: Since the subject is plural, ‘have caught’ is the correct present perfect tense form.


  1. C

Explanation: Since the subject is singular, ‘has painted’ is the correct present perfect tense form.


  1. D

Explanation: Since the subject is singular, ‘has eaten’ is the correct present perfect tense form.


  1. C

Explanation: Since the subject is singular, ‘has blown’ is the correct present perfect tense form.


  1. D

Explanation: Since the subject is singular, ‘has flown’ is the correct present perfect tense form. (Flown=past participle of ‘fly’ & ‘flowed=p.p. of ‘flow’)


  1. A

Explanation: Since the subject is plural, ‘have shut’ is the correct present perfect tense form.


  1. A

Explanation: Since the subject is plural, ‘have made’ is the correct present perfect tense form.


  1. A

Explanation: Since the subject is singular, ‘has baked’ is the correct present perfect tense form.