
Basics of Chemistry Worksheet-1

Basics of Chemistry Worksheet-1


  1. What is the purest and most simple form of all matter?

(a) solution        (b) gas                (c) element        (d) compound


  1. What is a compound?

(a) A substance that is made by the chemical combination of two or more elements.

(b) A substance that is made by the physical collection of two or more elements.

(c) A substance that is made by heating a single element.

(d) A mixture that is made by heating a single element in vacuum.


  1. What happens when a liquid is heated above its boiling point?

(a) It will change into solid.       (b) It will burn.

(c) It will change into gas.          (d) It will become hot liquid.


  1. Which of the following will cause a chemical change?

(a) Boiling water                           (b) Burning a paper

(c) Freezing milk                           (d) Bending a metal rod


  1. Substance "A" and "B" are mixed to produce a mixture. What will happen to the properties of those two substances in the mixture?

(a) Only the property of substance A will change.

(b) Only the property of substance B will change.

(c) It will change.

(d) It will remain unchanged.


  1. Protein particles are spread throughout the water base in a Gel. What kind of solution is a Gel?

(a) Colloid         (b) Mixture       (c) Foam           (d) Emulsion


  1. How do you define density?

(a) Mass per unit volume            (b) Size per unit length

(c) Speed per unit time                (d) Temperature per unit volume


  1. Which of the following material will float in the water?

(a) Apple (it is slightly more dense than water)

(b) Copper (it is more dense than water)

(c) Foam (it is less dense than water)

(d) None of the above


  1. Which of the following force is responsible for the weight of any object?

(a) Objects' volume                      (b) Earth's magnetic field

(c) Earth's gravity                         (d) Solar wind


  1. Which of the following is not a unit of measuring mass?

(a) Pounds         (b) Radians       (c) Kilograms   (d) Milligram


Answer Key:

(1)–(c); (2)–(a); (3)–(c); (4)–(b); (5)–(d); (6)–(a); (7)–(a); (8)–(c); (9)–(c); (10)–(b)