
Sorting materials into groups Worksheet-6

Sorting materials into groups Worksheet-6


Fill in the blanks:

  1. The substances that do not conduct electricity are called _____.
  2. The process of grouping things based on similarities and dissimilarities is called ____.
  3. Materials that do not allow light to pass through them are called ____.
  4. The substances that conduct electricity are called ____.
  5. Liquids that are soluble in water are called _____.
  6. Placing or sorting similar things together is called ____.
  7. Materials that are attracted by a magnet are called ____ materials.
  8. Materials that allow light to pass through them are said to be ____.
  9. Liquids that are insoluble in water are called ____.
  10. Sandpaper is ____ (smooth/ rough) to touch.
  11. Pure water is a _____ (good/bad) conductor of electricity.
  12. A 90 kg person wearing a life jacket will _____ (sink/float) in water.
  13.  (Hydrogen/Carbon dioxide) _____ is soluble in water.
  14. A pigeon’s feather will _____ (sink/float) in water.
  15. Metals have a shiny appearance called _____.
  16. Materials which can be pressed easily are called _____ materials.
  17. Metals are good ____ of heat.
  18. Wood and plastic are _____ conductor of heat.


Fill in the blanks with the help of hints given below:

Hints: : solids, gases, liquids, container, space, matter, melts, sand, milk, ice, air, clouds, oil

  1. Ice _____ and changes into liquid state.
  2. _____ do not have a definite shape, but they do have a definite volume.
  3. Mass is the amount of _____ an object has.
  4. _____ have a definite shape and volume.
  5. Volume is the amount of _____ that matter takes up.
  6. ____ and _____ are examples of liquids.
  7. ____ do not have a definite shape or volume.
  8. A ____ and _____ are examples of solids.
  9. Liquids take the shape of their



  1. Insulators
  2. Classification
  3. Opaque
  4. Conductors
  5. Miscible
  6. Grouping
  7. Magnetic
  8. Transparent
  9. Immiscible
  10. Smooth
  11. Bad
  12. Float
  13. Carbon dioxide
  14. Float
  15. Lustre
  16. Compressible
  17. Conductor/ conductors
  18. Bad/ poor/ non
  19. Melts
  20. Liquids
  21. Matter
  22. Solids
  23. Space
  24. Milk, oil/ oil, milk
  25. Gases
  26. Ice, sand/ sand, ice
  27. Container