
Reproduction in plants Worksheet-6

Reproduction in plants Worksheet-6


Multiple-Choice Questions:

  1. Which structure is considered the male reproductive part of a flowering plant?

(a) Petal               (b) Sepal              (c) Stamen           (d) Carpel


  1. After fertilization, this part of a plant eventually becomes the fruit.

(a) Ovary             (b) Seed               (c) Petal               (d) Sepal


  1. Which structure is considered the female reproductive part of a flowering plant?

(a) Carpel             (b) Stamen          (c) Sepal              (d) Petal


  1. Flowering plants are also called:

(a) Gymnosperms                            (b) Ferns

(c) Mosses                                         (d) Angiosperms


  1. Which of the following is not a part of a flower?

(a) Petiole            (b) Style               (c) Stigma            (d) Ovary


  1. Which part of a flower forms a small vase-like structure in the centre of the flower?

(a) Ovary             (b) Carpel            (c) Stigma            (d) Style


  1. In which part of a flower will ovules be found?

(a) Style               (b) Ovary             (c) Filament         (d) Anther


  1. Which of the following associations of a flower is not a comparison of male and female parts?

(a) style—filament                           (b) Ovary—anther

(c) embryo sac–pollen sac              (d) sepal—petal


  1. Which of the following part of a flower is enlarged and sticky?

(a) Filament        (b) Stigma           (c) Style               (d) Anther


  1. Pollination occurs when:

(a) Pollen from the anther is transferred to the stigma of the ovary.

(b) Pollen from the anther is transferred to the style of the ovary.

(c) Pollen in the pollen tube combines with the egg in the ovule.

(d) Pollen from the stigma is transferred to the anther of the ovary.


  1. Which of the following is the correct sequence for the pollen tube to eventually reach the egg in a flowering plant?

(a) stigma, ovary, ovule, style        (b) style, stigma, ovary, ovule

(c) stigma, style, ovary, ovule        (d) ovule, ovary, style, stigma


  1. Which of the following is not part of a seed produced by a flowering plant?

(a) seed coat       (b) Ovary             (c) Embryo          (d) Endosperm


Fill in the Blanks:

  1. The process by which seeds or fruits are scattered is called _____.
  2. The seed-bearing structure of a flowering plant is called a _____.
  3. The ripened ovule which contains an embryo and its food source is covered by a protective coat is called _____.
  4. The process in which young ones are produced from their parents is known as _______.



  1. There are many artificial methods by which plants multiply. These include cutting, grafting, and layering.
  2. Reproduction in plants is of two types: asexual and vegetative.
  3. Asexual reproduction is the process in which new plants are produced by involving only one parent.
  4. Moulds reproduce by budding, while yeasts reproduce through spores.
  5. Flower is the reproductive part of a plant.


Answer key:

Multiple-Choice Questions:

  1. (B)
  2. (B)
  3. (D)
  4. (B)
  5. (A)
  6. (C)
  7. (B)

Fill in the blanks:

  1. Dispersal / Seed dispersal
  2. Fruit
  3. Seed
  4. Reproduction


  1. T
  2. F
  3. T
  4. F
  5. T