
Waste water management Worksheet-3

Waste water management Worksheet-3


Multiple-Choice Questions:

  1. Which of the following is not a useful method for reducing agricultural runoff into waterways?

(a) Construct collection ponds for animal wastes from feedlots and dairy barns.

(b) Use natural organic fertilizers in place of synthetic inorganic fertilizers.

(c) Allow livestock to wade in and drink from the water.

(d) Maintain vegetation or a mulch cover over soil.


  1. Which of the following is not true of a eutrophic lake?

(a) low in nutrients                          (b) water is not clear

(c) low in dissolved oxygen            (d) suffocation of fish and shellfish


  1. Which of the following is not a major contributor to excess sediments in waterways?

(a) sewage effluents                        (b) mining

(c) agriculture                                  (d) highway construction


  1. Which of the following is a point source of water pollution?

(a) lawns and gardens in a suburban area

(b) a sewage treatment plant

(c) city streets in an urban area

(d) an area of farmlands


  1. A pathogen is a(n):

(a) disease-causing virus.               

(b) disease-causing bacterium.

(c) disease-causing organism.       

(d) organisms that causes disease in humans.


  1. Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) is an important measure of:

(a) oxygen content of water and wastewater.

(b) an organism's natural level of oxygen requirement.

(c)  a measure of the biological activity of water and wastewater.

(d) the oxygen-using potential of water and wastewater.


  1. The ideal modern sewage system is one in which

(a) Individual home owners operate private septic systems on large lots.

(b) all sanitary sewage water is collected separately from storm water and fully treated to remove all pollutants before the water is release to natural systems.

(c) all sanitary sewage water and storm water is collected in a single sewer system and treated in a single treatment plant.

(d) sanitary sewage water is collected and treated, but storm water is not.


  1. The landmark legislation governing the health of the nation's water is the _______, first enacted in _____

(a) Clean Water Act; 1972.            

(b) Clean Water Act; 1984.

(c) National Environmental Policy Act; 1969.

(d) National Environmental Policy Act; 1972.


  1. Chlorine is often added to wastewater for disinfection before effluent discharge. A potential problem with this procedure is:

(a) chlorine gas is poisonous and may threaten nearby homes.

(b) chlorine is a nonrenewable resource and may soon be depleted.

(c) toxic chlorinated hydrocarbons may be formed.

(d) chlorine contributes to depletion of the ozone layer.


  1. Which of the following pathogens may be present in raw sewage?

(a) Vibiro cholerae (bacterium responsible for cholera)

(b) Salmonella typhi (bacterium responsible for typhoid fever)

(c) Poliovirus (responsible for poliomyelitis)

(d) all of these


  1. Secondary sewage treatment can best be described as being a _______ process.

(a) mechanical                                 (b) physical

(c) chemical                                     (d) biological


  1. One obstruction to the use of treated sludge as agricultural fertilizer is:

(a) in some instances the sludge may contain high levels of toxic metals.

(b) the potential for groundwater contamination with pathogens.

(c) possible disease outbreaks in livestock grazing on treated lands.

          (d) excess nitrogen in sludge could be toxic to plants.


Answer Key:

  1. (C)
  2. (A)
  3. (A)
  4. (B)
  5. (C)
  6. (D)
  7. (B)
  8. (A)
  9. (C)
  10. (D)
  11. (D)
  12. (A)