
Comparing Quantities Worksheet-11

Comparing Quantities Worksheet-11


  1. If SP of 6 pens is equal to the CP of 7 pens. Then did gain % (or) loss %.

(a) 12 ½% gain                             (b) 16 2/3% gain

(c) 16 2/3% loss                              (d) 12 ½% loss


  1. A person by selling an article for Rs. 450, loses 20%. In order to make a profit of make a profit of 20%. what is the price at which he must sell?

(a) Rs. 500        (b) Rs. 475        (c) Rs. 575         (d) Rs. 675


  1. A man sold 10 eggs for 5 rupees and gained 20%. How many eggs did he buy for 5 rupees?

(a) 12                  (b)                 (c) 25                  (d) None


  1. A shopkeeper’s price is 50% above the cost price. If he allows his customer a discount of 30% what profit does he make?

(a) 15%               (b) 10%              (c) 5%                 (d) 20%


  1. By selling 100 mangoes, a fruit seller gains SP of 20 mangoes. Find his gain %.

(a) 20%              (b) 25%              (c) 35%               (d) 50%


  1. 11 oranges are bought for Rs. 10 and 10 oranges are sold for Rs. 11. Find the gain (or) loss percent.

(a) 21% loss       (b) 31% loss       (c) 21% gain      (d) 11% loss


  1. By selling 45 mangoes for Rs. 40, a man loses 20%. How many should he sell for Rs.24 so as to gain 20% in the transaction?

(a) 18                  (b) 24                 (c) 48                  (d) 72


  1. An iron box is sold at a gain of 16%. If it were sold for Rs. 20 more, there would have been a gain of 20%. Find the cost price of iron box.

(a) Rs. 420        (b) Rs. 580        (c) Rs. 480        (d) Rs. 500


  1. 400 apples were bought at Rs. 125 per hundred and were sold at a profit of Rs. 100. Find the selling priced per dozen.

(a) Rs. 20          (b) Rs. 12           (c) Rs. 18           (d) None


  1. Marked price of an article is 20% above the CP. He allows his customers a discount and makes a profit of 8%. Find the rate of discount.

(a) 10%               (b) 12%               (c) 20%              (d) 18%


  1. The cost price of 20 articles is equal to the selling price of 25 articles. The loss percent in the transaction is

(a) 40%              (b) 30%              (c) 25%               (d) 20%


  1. A man buys a radio for Rs. 600 and sells it at a gain of 25%. He sold the radio for

(a) Rs. 700        (b) Rs. 750        (c) Rs. 900        (d) Rs. 1000


  1. Aruna bought a bag with 20% discount on the original price. She got a profit of Rs. 50 by selling it at 150% of the price at which she bought. What was the original price of the bag?

(a) Rs. 125         (b) Rs. 175         (c) Rs. 200        (d) Rs. 225


  1. A business man sells shorts at a profit of 12½% and invests the proceeds to buy pants which he sells at a profit of 20%. If he makes a net profit of Rs. 2700, the cost of the shirts was

(a) Rs. 2300     (b) Rs. 2500     (c) Rs. 2000     (d) Rs. 2400


  1. A shopkeeper sold two watches for Rs. 425 each, gaining 10% on one and losing 10% on the other. Then ;

(a) Neither gains nor loss           (b) Gains 1%

(c) Loses 1%                                   (d) None


  1. A man purchased a bag of rice containing 70 kg for Rs. 175. He sold it at the rate of Rs. 2.75 per kg. Find the profit or loss %.

(a) 12% loss       (b) 10% gain     (c) 12% gain      (d) 10% loss


  1. A single discount equal to a discount series of 10% and 20% is

(a) 25%              (b) 30%              (c) 35%               (d) 28%


  1. For a certain article if the discount is 25% then the profit is 25%. If the discount is 10% then profit will be

(a) 50%              (b) 40%              (c) 25%               (d) 20%


  1. A dealer allows a discount of 10% and still gains 5%. What percent above the cost price must he mark his goods?

(a) 15%               (b) 20%              (c) 16 2/3%         (d) 50%


  1. A man sold two articles for Rs. 3000 each, gaining 20% on the one and losing 20% on the other. Find his gain (or) loss percent on the whole transaction.

(a) 4% gain        (b) 4% loss        (c) 1% loss         (d) 1% gain


Answer Key:

(1)-(b); (2)-(d); (3)-(a); (4)-(c); (5)-(b); (6)-(c); (7)-(a); (8)-(d); (9)-(c); (10)-(a); (11)-(d); (12)-(b); (13)-(a); (14)-(c); (15)-(c); (16)-(b); (17)-(d); (18)-(a); (19)-(c); (20)-(b)