
Materials: Metals and non-metals Worksheet-4

Materials: Metals and non-metals Worksheet-4


  1. The colour of Copper sulphate (CuSO4.5H2O) is _____.

A. Red                B. Blue               C. Green             D. Yellow


  1. Which of the following is very reactive non metal?

A. Sodium                                      B. Potassium

C. Carbon                                       D. Phosphorous


  1. ______ is used in wrapping soaps, cigarettes and confectionary.

A. Aluminium                               B. Silver

C. Nickeloy                                    D. Magnelium


  1. Bronze is an alloy of _____.

A. Copper and Tin                       B. Copper and Zinc

C. Copper and Nickel                  D. Copper and Iron


  1. When copper metal is exposed to moist air for long time it acquires a dull green coating. The green material is a mixture of ______.

A. Cu(OH)2 and CuCO3             B. Cu(OH)2 and CuO

C. CuCO3 and CuO                      D. CuO and Cu2O


  1. Which of the following metals will be replaced by zinc from its salt solution?

A. Aluminium sulphate              B. Copper sulphate

C. Sodium sulphate                     D. Magnesium sulphate


  1. Metallic oxides are-

A. Acidic is nature                        B. Neutral

C. Basic in nature                         D. Either acidic or basic


  1. Which non metal is used in water purification process?

A. Chlorine        B. Iodine            C. Oxygen           D. Sulphur


  1. Iron is _____ reactive than Zinc.

A. less                 B. more


  1. When iron is exposed to moist air for long time a reddish brown substance called rust is formed. What is chemical composition of rust?

A. Rust is basic iron oxide

B. Rust is a mixture of FeO and Fe2(CO3)3

C. Rust is hydrated Ferric oxide.

D. Rust is a mixture of FeO, Fe2(CO3)3Fe(OH)3


  1. Which of the following is  used in crackers?

A. metals                                        B. Semi metals

C. Non-metal                                 D. All of these


  1. Hydrogen gas is produced when metals react with-

A. Acid                                            B. Base

C. Salt                                             D. Both acid & base


  1. Which of the following can't be beaten into sheets?

A. Zinc                B. Iron                C. Aluminium   D. Sulphur


  1. Moist air is the combination of-

A. H2O+CO2+O2                          B. H2O+CO+O2

C. H2O+CO2+H2                          D. H2O+O2+H2


  1. What happens when iron nails are immersed in copper sulphate solution?

A. The colour of the solution does not change

B. The colour of the solution change from blue to green

C. The colour of the solution change from green to blue

D. The solution becomes colourless



  1. B


  1. D


  1. A

Explanation: Thin foils of aluminium are used in wrapping soaps, cigarettes and confectionary.


  1. A

Explanation: Bronze used for making coins, utensils, statues is an alloy of copper and tin.

(Cu-75-90%, Sn 25 -10%)


  1. A

Explanation: The green material is a mixture of copper hydroxide (Cu(OH)2) and copper carbonate



  1. B

Explanation: Zinc will replace copper from copper sulphate forming Zinc sulphate.

Zn + CuSO4 → ZnSO4 + Cu

The blue colour of copper sulphate disappears when zinc granules are added to copper sulphate solution. Powdery red mass of copper is deposited at the bottom of the vessel.

Aluminium, sodium and magnesium are more reactive than zinc so these metals will replace zinc from its salt solution.


  1. C

Explanation: Aqueous solution of metallic oxides is alkaline in nature. It changes red litmus blue.


  1. A

Explanation: Chlorine is used for purification of water.


  1. A

Explanation: In the metal reactivity series iron is placed below zinc.


  1. C

Explanation: Iron metal reacts with air and moisture forming hydrated iron oxide.


  1. C


  1. D

Explanation: Example:

2Al + 2NaOH + 2H2O → 2NaAlO2 + 3H2

2Al + 6HCl → 2AlCl3 + 3H2


  1. D

Explanation: Sulphur is a non metal hence it can’t be beaten into sheets.


  1. A


  1. B

Explanation: Iron replaces copper from copper sulphate forming iron sulphate. Thus the colour of the solution changes from blue to green. Reddish brown deposits of copper can be seen at the bottom of test tube.