
Motion Worksheet-14

Motion Worksheet-14


  1. In a circular motion of radius r, linear velocity v = ____.

A. v = u + at

B. v = radius × angular velocity


D. v = radius × angular acceleration


  1. _____ is a vector quantity.

A. Distance                                    B. Displacement

C. Time                                           D. Radian


  1. The distance time graph for uniform motion is a ______.

A. curved path

B. straight path

C. linearly increasing then decreasing

D. linearly decreasing then increasing


  1. _____ is an example of variable acceleration even though the magnitude of acceleration is the same.

A. non uniform circular motion

B. uniform circular motion


  1. The boundary of a circle is its ____.

A. Area                                            B. Circumference

C. Volume                                      D. Perimeter


  1. The displacement in one second is called _____.

A. Distance                                    B. Acceleration

C. Speed                                         D. Velocity


  1. The motion along a ______ path is said to be accelerated.

A. Rectilinear                                B. non linear

C. non circular                              D. Circular


  1. The S.I. unit of a body moving with non uniform velocity is ___.

A. m/s                B. km/s              C. km/hr            D. s/m


  1. When a body is thrown vertically up. At its highest point, it possess _____.

A. zero velocity, zero acceleration

B. finite velocity, finite acceleration

C. zero velocity, finite acceleration

D. finite velocity, zero acceleration


  1. The other name for simple harmonic motion is _____.

A. Rectilinear                                B. Oscillatory

C. Rotatory                                    D. Curvilinear


  1. If the u – t graph is not a straight line, the motion will be a _____ motion.

A. uniformly accelerated            B. uniformly retarded

C. non-uniformly accelerated   D. non-linear


  1. The retardation = _____.

A. change in acceleration with time.

B. change in position with time.

C. change in velocity with time.

D. change in speed with time.


  1. The initial acceleration of a freely falling artificial satellite of mass 100kg is ___ km/hr2.

A. 100/9.8         B. 0                     C. 98                   D. 9.8


  1. A mobile phone projected vertically upwards has _____ velocity at the highest point.

A. Zero               B. Maximum    C. Minimum     D. none of these


  1. The ratio of the M.K.S. to C.G.S. unit of velocity is ____.

A. 100:1              B. 1:100              C. 10:1                D. 1:10


  1. Time of flight = _____.

A. 2u/g               B. 2g/u               C. 2u/a               D. 2a/u


  1. If the velocity-time graph is a curve, then; area under curve represents _____.

A. Acceleration                             B. Displacement

C. Velocity                                      D. Speed


  1. Velocity can be;

A. Uniform

B. non uniform

C. uniform or non uniform

D. uniform and non uniform


Answer Key:

  1. B

  2. B

  3. B

  4. B

  5. B

  6. D

  7. D

  8. A

  9. C

  10. B

  11. C

  12. C

  13. B

  14. A

  15. A

  16. A

  17. B

  18. C