
Sub-kingdom: phanerogamae (phanero-visible, gamous-gametes/reproductive parts)


  • This subkingdom includes plants that bear external flowers and able to produce seeds.
  • The reproductive parts are well developed in these plants.
  • They reproduce through the formation of seeds which consist of embryo.
  • The further classification depends upon the presence of naked seeds or seeds enclosed in fruits.

  • The plant body is well-differentiated into root, stem and leaves.
  • Vascular system (xylem and phloem) is well developed.
  • An embryo develops from fertilized egg.


Division Gymnosperm: (Gymno-Naked, Sperm-Seed)

  • They are most primitive and simple seed bearing plants.
  • The seeds produced by these plants are naked, i.e., not enclosed within fruits.
  • Plants of this group are woody, perennial and evergreen.
  • Vascular system is well developed but xylem tissue lacks vessels and phloem tissue lacks companion cells.
  • Sporophylls (spore bearing leaves) aggregate to form cones. There are separate male and female cones.



  • cycas, deodar, pinus etc.


Division Angiosperm: (Angio-Case/Covered, Sperm-Seed):

  • Angiosperms are highly evolved plants having well differentiated body with developed vascular system.
  • They produce seeds that are enclosed within the fruit. Seeds are comprised of embryo that has precursor tissues for the development of plant.
  • Plant embryos in seeds are covered with structures called cotyledons.
  • Cotyledons are also known as seed leaves as they emerge as green leaves when the seeds germinate.
  • Angiosperms are further classified on the basis of number of seeds.


Monocotyledous (Monocot):

  • The seeds of these plants have only one cotyledon.
  • Their leaves have parallel venation.
  • The root system consists of similar fibrous roots.
  • The flowers are trimerous, i.e., have there or multiple of three petals.



  • Maize, wheat, rice, barley, bamboo, coconut, banana, sugarcane etc.


Dicotyledonous (Dicots)

  • The seeds produced by these plants have embryos with two fleshy leaves, i.e., the cotyledons.
  • Their leaves have reticulate venation, with a network of veins.
  • The root system has a prominent tap root.



  • Pea, potato, sunflower, banyan, margosa (neem), apple, mango, beans, gram, oak etc.


Comparison of monocots and dicots