
Spotting errors practice questions

In this format, four parts of each sentence are given as A, B, C, D. These are in a sequence. One has to point out which part is not acceptable in standard English. In other words, we can say that it is spotting error in vertical form.


  1. Many a man
  2. have realised that real happiness
  3. lies in making sacrifices
  4. and not in personal gains.

Answer : 2

Explanation :  ‘Many a man’ is a singular subject – notice the indefinite article ‘a’ (= one); hence the verb that follows should also be singular – ‘has’ instead of ‘have.’


  1. Honestly speaking
  2. I like him not because
  3. he is handsome but that
  4. he is kind.

Answer : 3

Explanation : When a reason is being given, the word ‘that’ is erroneous. The word ‘because’ should be used once again – but because


  1. You arrived
  2. here this morning.
  3. didn't you?
  4. where are you living?

Answer : 4

Explanation : For routines/habitual actions only the simple present tense is used. Hence it should be ‘do you live’ instead of ‘are you living.’ The continuous tense is never used for such things.


  1. 1. They were quarrelling between themselves
  2. when all of a sudden it
  3. occurred to them that someone was watching
  4. all the five of them.

Answer : 1

Explanation : The preposition ‘between’ is wrong – this preposition is used with two nouns/pronouns only. When there are more than two nouns/pronouns, the preposition should be ‘among.’ 


  1. When at last we got to
  2. the theatre, the much
  3. publicised play
  4. was already begun.

Answer :  4

Explanation : ‘Had already begun’ is correct and not ‘was already begun.’ The verb should be in the past perfect tense, active voice; hence ‘had already begun’ is the correct form.