
Acids, bases and salts Worksheet-2

Acids, bases and salts Worksheet-2


Fill in the blanks:

  1. The pH of sodium chloride solution will be ________

  2. The lower the pH, the ________ is acid.

  3. The higher the pH, the ________ is acid.

  4. Addition of baking soda to milk will ________ its pH.

  5. Water gives ________ colour on universal indicator.

  6. Quick lime is added to the soil when it becomes ________.

  7. Decaying organic matter (manure or compost) is added to the soil when it becomes ________.

  8. Salts in aqueous solution ________ electricity.

  9. The major salt present in sea water is ______.

  10. ______ is known as caustic soda.

  11. Aqueous solution of sodium chloride is called ______.

  12. The process of extraction of sodium by electrolysis of sodium chloride solution is called ______.

  13. Anhydrous sodium carbonate is known as ______.

  14. Na2CO3.10H2O is the formula of ______.

  15. ________ is used for softening of water.

  16. Commercial name of Calcium oxy chloride is ________.


Answer key:

  1. 7

  2. Stronger

  3. Weaker

  4. Decrease

  5. Green

  6. Acidic

  7. Alkaline

  8. Conduct

  9. Sodium chloride/(NaCl)

  10. Sodium hydroxide/(NaOH)w

  11. Brine

  12. Chlor-alkali process

  13. Soda ash

  14. Washing soda

  15. Sodium carbonate/Washing soda.

  16. Bleaching powder