
Adverb Exercise-2 (Level-2)

Adverb Practice Exercise – 2


Make adverbs from the given adjectives and then fill in the blanks.

Choose the correct option from those given in the brackets:

  1. The wind is blowing _______. (strong, weak)


  1. It is also raining _______. (slow, heavy)


  1. The sun is shining _______. (bright, light)


  1. The sheep is standing _______. (noise, quiet)


  1. The lion roared _______. (silent, loud)


  1. My friend waited _______ for the bus. (patient, loud)


  1. The girl with a basket was skipping _______. (happy, sad)


  1. The coach explained everything _______. (small, nice)



  1. strong

  2. heavy

  3. bright

  4. quiet

  5. loud

  6. patient

  7. happy

  8. nice

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