
Adverb Exercise-6 (Level-6)

Adverb Practice Exercise – 6


Write the correct compound adverb.

  1. The model walked ____ on the ramp. [to and fro / by and by / far and near]


  1. ____ let us learn simple addition. [far and wide / first and foremost / out and our]


  1. The king’s fame has spread ____. [over and above / though and through / fat and wide]


  1. This is ____ the hottest day of the season. [far and away / on and off / over and above]


  1. ____ camping out we love to for picnics. [over and above / by and by / to and fro]


  1. He sends me a card every ____. [again and again / now and the / through and through]


  1. The Eiffel tower is ____ the best example of engineering. [over and above / far and wide / out and out]


  1. Have you read the book ____? [now and then / far and wide / through and through]



  1. to and fro

  2. first and foremost

  3. far and wide

  4. far and away

  5. over and above

  6. now and then

  7. out and out

  8. through and through

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