
Adverb Exercise-6 (Level-3)

Adverb Practice Exercise – 6


Fill in the appropriate adverb. Choose from those given in the bracket:

  1. The cat purred _____. [sweetly / after]


  1. The star shines _____. [soon / brightly]


  1. Mother received a card _____. [today / tomorrow]


  1. The escalator is going _____. [down / up]


  1. The snow is falling _____. [softly / up]


  1. The choir sang _____. [down / merrily]


  1. The announcement was made _____. [loudly / softly]


  1. My friend cooks _____. [well / late]


  1. The sheep is standing _____ the fence. [above / inside]


  1. The soldier fought _____. [slowly / bravely]



  1. sweetly

  2. brightly

  3. today

  4. down

  5. softly

  6. merrily

  7. loudly

  8. well

  9. inside

  10. bravely

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