
Algebra Worksheet-6

Algebra Worksheet-6


  1. th of a flagpole is black, th is white and the remaining three metres is painted yellow. Find the length of the flagpole.

(a)           (b)           (c) 5 km             (d) None


  1. The total cost of three prizes is Rs. 2550. If the value of second prize is th of the first and the value of 3rd prize is of the second prize, find the value of first prize, find the value of first prize.

(a) Rs. 900        (b) Rs. 1500      (c) Rs. 1200      (d) Rs. 450


  1. In a two digit number, unit’s digit is 3 more than the ten’s digit. The number formed by interchanging the digits and the original number are in the ratio 7 : 4. Find the number

(a) 63                  (b) 36                 (c) 54                  (d) 45


  1. In a two digit number, ten’s digit is twice the unit’s digit. The number formed by interchanging the digits is 36 less than the original number. Find the number.

(a) 48                 (b) 70                 (c) 72                  (d) 84


  1. In a two digit number, the unit’s digit is 2. If the digits are interchanged the new number formed is times the old number. Find the number.

(a) 36                  (b) 27                  (c) 72                  (d) 63


  1. In a two digit number, the ten’s digit is 2 more than the unit’s digit. Sum of the digits is th of the whole number. Find the number.

(a) 24                  (b) 42                 (c) 64                  (d) 46


  1. The sum of 4 consecutive integers is 70. Then the greatest among them is

(a) 19                  (b) 23                 (c) 17                   (d) 16


  1. The three even consecutive integers whose sum is 90 are

(a) 26, 30, 34   (b) 24, 32, 34   (c) 24, 28, 38   (d) 28, 30, 32


  1. If two supplementary angles are differ by 44⁰ then one of the angle is_____.

(a) 102⁰             (b) 65⁰               (c) 112⁰              (d) 72⁰


  1. Make u as the subject in .

(a)            (b)             (c)              (d)


  1. By making 1 as the subject in , we obtain 1 =

(a)               (b)               (c)               (d)


  1. If  a – b = 2 then a2 + 2b – 4 in terms of b is

(a) b2 – 6b + 4                              (b) b2 + 4b

(c) b2 + 6b                                     (d) b2 + 6b – 4


  1. There are some lotus flowers in a pond and some bees are hovering around. If one bee lands on each flower one bee will be left. If two bees land on each flower, one flower will be left. Then the number of flowers and bees respectively are

(a) 3, 4               (b) 4, 3               (c) 2, 3                (d) 3, 2


  1. Number of variables in a simple linear equation

(a) Two              (b) One               (c) 0                    (d) None


  1. Power of variable in a simple equation

(a) 0                    (b) One               (c) Two               (d) None


  1. Number of sides on either side of equation in simple equation is

(a) Three            (b) Two              (c) 0                    (d) None


  1. The equation for the statement: “Half of a number added to 10 is 15”.

(a)                                  (b)

(c)                                (d)


  1. Equation for the statement: ‘thrice the length of a room is 340 meters’

(a) 3l = 430                                    (b) 3l = 340

(c) 3 + 1 = 340                              (d) None


  1. The method of finding solution by trying out various values for the variable is called

(a) Error method                          (b) Trial and error method

(c) Testing method                       (d) Checking method


  1. Value of x in

(a) +28               (b) –28              (c) +14                (d) –14


Answer Key:

(1)-(a); (2)-(c); (3)-(b); (4)-(d); (5)-(c); (6)-(b); (7)-(a); (8)-(d); (9)-(c); (10)-(b); (11)-(a); (12)-(c); (13)-(a); (14)-(b); (15)-(b); (16)-(b); (17)-(b); (18)-(b); (19)-(b); (20)-(c)