
Algebraic Reasoning Worksheet-1

simple algebraic equations word problems

Algebraic Reasoning Worksheet-1


  1. Ria bought some pops and gave onethird of it to her friend Sia. She then gave the remaining pops to other friend Kiran. If Sia got 18 pops, how many pops did Kiran get?

A. 18                    B. 54                   C. 36                   D. 40


  1. A number minus 19 is 56. Assume that number is n. Which option represents the above statement?

A. n + 19 = 56                                B. n − 56 = 19

C. n − 19 = 56                                D. n − 19 = 75


  1. The product of a number, n, and 15 is 5 less than 50. What is that number?

A. 50                   B. 3                     C. 45                   D. 5


  1. Two consecutive numbers have a sum of 77. What are the numbers?

A. 48 and 39     B. 37 and 40     C. 38 and 39     D. 50 and 27


  1. A number n is 3 times greater than 4 added to a number p. If p is 5 what is the value of n?

A. 9                     B. 15                    C. 27                   D. 12


  1. Mr. Harish deposits one-fifth of his monthly earning in the bank every month. He had deposited Rs.600 in his bank in last three months. How much is his monthly earning?

A. Rs.200          B. Rs.500          C. Rs.1,000       D. Rs.1,200


  1. Kim has twice as many apples as Nadia. If Kim gives Nadia 2 apples, they each will have the same number of apples. How many apples do they each have?

A. Kim has 12 apples and Nadia has 7 apples

B. Kim has 8 apples and Nadia has 5 apples

C. Kim has 8 apples and Nadia has 4 apples

D. Kim has 10 apples and Nadia has 8 apples


  1. If x = 45, what is the value of 35 - x?

A. –5                   B. –10                 C. +5                   D. 10


  1. What is the value of x in the following equation?

x + (12 − 4) = 32

A. 24                   B. 8                     C. 40                   D. 4


  1. Find the value of y.

y ÷ 45 = 90

A. 9                     B. 2                     C. 0.5                  D. 4,050


Answer Key:

1. (c); 2. (c); 3. (b); 4. (c); 5. (c); 6. (c); 7. (c); 8. (b); 9. (a); 10. (d)