
Alphabetical order worksheet-1

Alphabetical order Worksheet-1


Multiple-Choice Questions:

Arrange the words in alphabetical order:

  1.  cat, bat, rat, fat

(a) Cat, bat, fat, rat                          (b) Bat, cat, fat, rat

(c) Rat, fat, cat, bat                          (d) Fat, bat, cat, rat


  1. pen, men, ten, yen

(a) Men, pen, ten, yen                    (b) Yen, ten, pen, men

(c) Pen, men, yen, ten                     (d) Men, yen, ten, pen


  1. jig, dig, big, pig

(a) Pig, dig, big, jig                           (b) Pig, jig, dig, big

(c) Big, dig, jig, pig                           (d) Big, dig, pig, jig


  1. pot, rot, cot, dot

(a) Pot, rot, cot, dot                        (b) Cot, dot, pot, rot

(c) Dot, cot, rot, pot                        (d) Rot, pot, dot, cot


  1. hut, nut, gut, jut, put

(a) Gut, hut, jut, nut, put                (b) Put, nut, jut, hut, gut

(c) Hut, jut, gut, put, nut                (d) Hut, gut, jut, nut, put


  1. bit, bat, but, bet

(a) Bet, bat, bit, but                         (b) But, bit, bet, bat

(c) Bat, bet, bit, but                         (d) Bit, bat, bet, but


  1. pit, pet, put, pat

(a) Pet, pat, pit, put                         (b) Pat, pit, pet, put

(c) Put, pit, pet, pat                         (d) Pat, pet, pit, put


  1. bug, beg, bog, bag, big

(a) Bag, beg, big, bug, bog              (b) Bag, beg, big, bog, bug

(c) Bug, bog, big, beg, bag              (d) Bog, bug, big, beg, bag


  1. pan, man, ban, can

(a) Ban, pan, can, man                   (b) Ban, can, man, pan

(c) Pan, man, can, ban                    (d) Ban, can, pan, man


  1. sit, fit, hit, pit

(a) Fit, hit, pit, sit                             (b) Sit, pit, hit, fit

(c) Fit, hit, sit, pit                             (d) Hit, fit, pit, sit


Answer Key:

  1. B

Sol: B comes before C, C before F and F comes before R

  1. A

Sol: M comes before P, P before T and T comes before Y

  1. A

Sol: B comes before D, D before J and J comes before P

  1. B

Sol: C comes before D, D before P and P comes before R

  1. A

Sol: G comes before H, H before J, J before N and N comes before P

  1. C

Sol: A is the first vowel, E comes next, then I and the last vowel is U.

  1. D

Sol: A is the first vowel followed by E then by I and the last vowel is U

  1. B

Sol: A is the first vowel, then comes E, then I, then O and lastly comes U.

  1. B

Sol: B comes before C, C comes before M and M comes before P

  1. A

Sol: H comes before F, F before P and P comes before S