
Articles Worksheet-1

Articles Worksheet-1


Fill in the correct article wherever necessary:

  1. There is ____ rose among the flowers.

A. A                                                  B. No article required

C. An                                               D. The


  1. ____ Sun is the biggest star.

A. No article required                 B. A

C. The                                              D. An


  1. My brother has ____ apple every day.

A. A                                                  B. No article required

C. The                                              D. An


  1. Mr. Shah is _____ honest man.

A. An                                               B. The

C. A                                                  D. No article required


  1. How many stars are there in _____ sky?

A. An                                               B. A

C. No article required                 D. The



  1. The cost of _____ gold has gone down.

A. No article required                 B. An

C. The                                              D. A


  1. That man is _____ uncle of mine.

A. No article required                 B. The

C. A                                                  D. An


  1. ____ doctor has advised rest and good food.

A. A                                                  B. The

C. No article required                 D. An


  1. One must always eat _____ fresh food.

A. A                                                  B. No article required

C. An                                               D. The


  1. All _____ girls of my school are friendly.

       A. No article required                 B. A

       C. The                                             D. An


Answer Key:

  1. A

Explanation: ‘Rose’ starts with a consonant sound; hence ‘a’ is used.

  1. C

Explanation: ‘Sun’ is a unique common noun; hence ‘the’ is used.

  1. D

Explanation: ‘Apple’ starts with a vowel sound; hence ‘an’ is used.

  1. A

Explanation: ‘Honest’ is pronounced with a vowel sound as ‘h’ is silent; hence ‘an’ is used.

  1. D

Explanation: ‘Sky’ is particular; hence ‘the’ is used.

  1. A

Explanation: ‘Gold’ is a material noun, hence no article is required.

  1. D

Explanation: ‘Uncle’ starts with a vowel sound; hence ‘an’ is used.

  1. B

Explanation: Here ‘doctor’ is particular; hence ‘the’ is used.

  1. B

Explanation: ‘Food’ is an uncountable noun; hence no article is required.

  1. C

      Explanation: ‘Girls’ are particular; hence ‘the’ is used.