
Astronomers - Comprehension Worksheet

Astronomers - Comprehension Worksheet

          Astronomers Discover Fifth Planet Orbiting a Distant Star

          Astronomers on Tuesday announced the discovery of another planet orbiting a distant star, making it the most crowded planetary system outside our own. More than 260 planets have been identified outside our solar system. The most recently discovered exoplanet, as they're called, orbits a star in the constellation Cancer.

          According to Geoff Marcy of the University of California, one of the authors of a new paper announcing the discovery, astronomers already knew the star had four planets.

          "We've been observing a sun like star called 55 Cancer, a star 55 in the constellation Cancer, for 19 years, and we watch the wobble of this star as it's yanked on by the planets orbiting it," he said. "And we're just now announcing the discovery of the fifth planet, the first planetary system with five full planets orbiting a sun like star."

          Our solar system has eight planets. Astronomers estimate the newly-found planet is about 45 times more massive than Earth, and has a year lasting 260 Earth days. Lead author Debra Fischer says the planet may resemble Saturn in some ways.

          "This planet, we think, is likely to have a fairly substantial atmosphere," she said. "It's very massive. It might not be the sort of place that, at least life as we know it, would find to be a comfortable environment. However, this planet, in fact, orbits in what we call the habitable zone."

          Planets in the habitable zone have a range of temperatures that might support life, if not on the planet itself, then possibly on a moon, if the planet has any moons.

          Exoplanets are generally discovered indirectly by detecting changes in the light coming from a star as its orbit is affected by nearby planets. Sometimes it can take years to sort out these Doppler observations.

          The more massive the planet, the easier it is to detect. But Debra Fischer, of San Francisco State University, says the growing sophistication of the technique increases the chances of finding planets more like our own.

          "So what we're doing right now with our observational technique, the Doppler technique, is taking really the very first steps to finding Earth-like planets. You know, we'll basically give NASA the addresses, the names and addresses, of the most likely candidates for Earth-like planets."


Multiple-Choice Question:

  1. How many days does a year last in the newly-found planet?

(A) 200 days     (B) 156 days      (C) 365 days     (D) 260 days


  1. Which factor helps in detecting a planet?

(A) size of the moons the planet has

(B) size of the planet

(C) size of the star the planet is orbiting

(D) number of moons the planet has


  1. Which fact about the newly-found planet is NOT correct?

(A) It's very massive.                            

(B) It is orbiting the Earth.

(C) It orbits in the habitable zone.

(D) has a year lasting 260 Earth days.


  1. The recently discovered planet orbits a star in the ______.

(A) constellation Gemini            (B) constellation Taurus

(C) constellation Aries                (D) constellation Cancer


  1. Which statement is CORRECT?

(A) the hotter the planet, the easier it is to detect

(B) the smaller the planet, the easier it is to detect

(C) the more bright the planet, the easier it is to detect

(D) the more massive the planet, the easier it is to detect


  1. Who is the reporter of the above news?

(A) Debra Fischer                        (B) Doppler

(C) Art Chimes                              (D) Geoff Marcy


  1. What do the planets in the habitable zone have?

(A) a range of temperatures that might support life

(B) food and water

(C) Moons and plants

(D) warm temperatures and water


  1. How many times is the planet bigger than the earth?

(A) 32 times      (B) 45 times      (C) 8 times        (D) 33 times


Fill in the blanks:

  1. A planet outside our own planetary system is called _____.


  1. This planet, is likely to have a fairly atmosphere, it is _____.


  1. The, ____ is taking really the very first steps to finding Earth-like planets.


  1. More than ____ planets have been identified outside our solar system.


  1. This planet, in fact, orbits in the _____.



  1. The orbit of this planet is affected by nearby planets.       


  1. Our solar system has eight planets.


  1. Astronomers discover a fifth planet orbiting   the star sun.


  1. It is said that the planet may resemble Jupiter in some ways.


  1. The more massive the planet, the difficult it is to detect.


Answer key:

  1. (D)

  2. (B)

  3. (B)

  4. (D)

  5. (D)

  6. (D)

  7. (A)

  8. (B)

  9. Exoplanet

  10. Substantial

  11. doppler technique

  12. 260

  13. habitable zone

  14. True

  15. True

  16. False

  17. False

  18. False