
Vocabulary Worksheet-4

Vocabulary Worksheet-4


  1. Something that surrounds, such as a wall

A. stockade        B. enclosure      C. wardrobe      D. none of these


  1. A protective barrier

A. flax                 B. enclosure      C. stockade        D. none of these


  1. A clothes closet

A. wardrobe      B. enclosure      C. stockade        D. none of these


  1. Meaning of ‘Basis’

A. stockade        B. ground          C. stout               D. none of these


  1. To speak highly of

A. principle       B. ground          C. recommend D. none of these


  1. A rule of conduct

A. principle       B. groud             C. shirk              D. none of these


  1. To avoid one's duty

A. stout               B. flax                 C. shirk              D. none of these


  1. A forest that is DENSE is _____

A. far away        B. thick               C. nearby           D. green


  1. Why might a group of people form a HUDDLE?

A. to drink hot cocoa                   B. to do laundry

C. to catch a fish                           D. to talk things over


  1. A synonym for the word 'stand' is

A. booth             B. car                  C. clock              D. mail


Answer Key:

  1. B

  2. C

  3. A

  4. B

  5. C

  6. A

  7. C

  8. B

  9. D

  10. A