
Basics of Physics Worksheet-1

Basics of Physics Worksheet-1


  1. What kind of energy is consumed by an electrical motor?

A. Solar energy                             B. Electrical energy

C. Thermal (Heat) energy           D. Mechanical energy


  1. What is the electric current?

A. Static electric charge is called the electric current.

B. Moving electric charge is called the electric current.

C. Electric charge

D. Electric charge stored in a dry cell is called electric current from positive terminal from a dry cell is called electric current.


  1. For what a metal lightning rod is useful in lightning?

A. Metal lightning rod safely destroys electricity.

B. Metal lightning rod safely discharges electricity into the ground.

C. Metal lightning absorbs electric charge.

D. Metal lightning combines electric charge with magnetic flux.


  1. Which of the following is caused by the movement of glaciers?

A. Weather changes                    

B. Volcanic eruptions

C. Flattening of the land and rounding of the sharp peaks

D. Roughing of the land and creation of the sharp peaks


  1. What kind of heat transfer is this? Transfer of the heat from the Sun to the Earth through space.

A. Transportation                         B. Radiation

C. Convection                                D. Conduction


  1. What property of light is used in an optical lens?

A. Refraction    B. Reflection     C. Direction      D. Spectrum


  1. What is the angle A in the following picture?

A. 55º                 B. 35º                 C. 65º                 D. 90º


  1. What is the rod between two wheels as shown in picture called?

A. Gear               B. Axle                C. Center           D. Center of rotation


  1. What kind of current is produced by a dry cell?

A. Low current                             B. High current

C. Direct current                          D. Alternating current


  1. Sound is a form of a _____.

A. Energy           B. Work             C. Matter           D. Vibration


Answer Key:

1.-(b); 2.-(b); 3.-(b); 4.-(c); 5.-(b); 6.-(a); 7.-(b); 8.-(b); 9.-(c); 10.-(a)