
Control and coordination Worksheet-5

Control and coordination Worksheet-5


Fill in blanks:

  1. A group of endocrine glands which produces various hormones is called an _____.


  1. _____ gland is present in the brain that controls pituitary gland.


  1. _____ produces 'releasing hormones' and inhibitory hormones'.


  1. _____ gland is present just below the brain.


  1. Pituitary gland secretes _____ hormone that controls the growth of the human body.


  1. _____ gland is attached to the wind pipe in our body.


  1. Thyroid gland makes a hormone called _____.


  1. _____ is necessary for the making of thyroxine hormone by thyroid gland


  1. The deficiency of iodine in the diet of a person produces less thyroxine hormone and causes a disease known as _____.


  1. The adrenal glands secrete _____ hormone. 


  1. _____ glands are called ‘glands of emergency’.


  1. _____ glands are embedded in the thyroid gland.


  1. Parathyroid glands secrete a hormone called_____.


  1. _____ hormone is to regulate calcium and phosphate levels in the blood.


  1. Thymus gland plays a role in the development of the _____ system of the body.


  1. _____ lowers blood sugar level.


  1. Deficiency of _____ causes a disease known as diabetes.


  1. Testes make male sex hormones called_____.


  1. Ovaries make two female sex hormones called oestrogen and _____. 



  1. Endocrine system
  2. Hypothalamus
  3. Hypothalamus
  4. Pituitary
  5. Growth
  6. Thyroid
  7. Thyroxine
  8. Iodine
  9. Goiter
  10. Adrenaline
  11. Adrenal
  12. Parathyroid
  13. Parathormone
  14. Parathormone
  15. Immune
  16. Insulin
  17. Insulin
  18. Testosterone
  19. Progesterone