
Carbon and its compounds Worksheet-9

Carbon and its compounds Worksheet-9


Fill in the blanks:

  1. The various physical forms in which an element can exist are called ______ of the element. 

  2. Graphite is a good conductor of electricity but diamond is not because graphite has _____.

  3. Carbon compounds are non-conductors of electricity as they are _____.

  4. ______ is the name of second member of homologous series of compounds of general formula CnH2nO.

  5. The compound which comes before pentanone in the homologous series of ketone is _____.

  6. The difference in the molecular moss of C3H7OH and C2H5COOH is ______.

  7. Formation of Propyl chloride from propane is an example of ______ reaction.


Multiple-Choice Question:

  1. The form of carbon which is used as lubricant at high temperature is:

(A) Diamond

(B) Graphite

(C) Buckminster fullerene

(D) Both Buckminster fullerene and graphite


  1. The seventh member of the homologous series of compounds of general formula CnH2n+1OH is:

(A) C7H15OH         (B) C6H13CHO       (C) C3H7COC3H7   (D) C6H13COOH


  1. The structural formula of 3rd member of homologous series of haloalkanes is:

(A) C­3H7Cl            (B) C3H6Cl2           (C) C3H6Cl            (D) C3H8Cl


  1. The IUPAC name of the given compound is CH3 – CH = CH – CH2 – CH3

(A) Pentene         (B) Hexene           (C) Hexyne           (D) Hexane


  1. The IUPAC name of the given compound is: CH3–CH2–CH2–COOH

(A) Pentanoic acid                           (B) Propanoic acid

(C) Butanal                                       (D) Butanoic acid


  1. The structural formula of hexanoic acid is:





  1. What are the products formed in the given reaction?

(A)                          (B)

(C)                    (D) All of these


  1. What are the products formed when ethanol reacts with sodium?

(A) NaOH + C2H6                              (B) C2H5ONa + H2

(C) CH4 + CH3 ONa                           (D) H2 gas + CH3 ONa


Answer key:

  1. Allotropes

  2. Free electrons/Free electron

  3. Covalent

  4. Ethanal/Butanone

  5. Butanone

  6. 16/ sixteen

  7. Substitution

  8. (C)

  9. (A)

  10. (A)

  11. (D)

  12. (D)

  13. (C)

  14. (C)

  15. (B)