
Life Processes Worksheet-30

Life Processes Worksheet-30


Multiple Choice Questions:

  1. Which is the first part of the small intestine?

(a) Ileum           (b) Jejunum      (c) Duodenum  (d) Caecum


  1. Amoeba ingests food material with the help of:

(a) Cytoplasm                                (b) Pseudopodia

(c) Vacuole                                     (d) all of the above


  1. Bile duct can transport the secretions of which gland/ glands into small intestine?

(a) Pancreas                                  (b) Liver

(c) Both of the above                    (d) None of the above


  1. Reabsorption of water from undigested food material occurs in which part of alimentary canal?

(a) Small intestine                       (b) Large intestine

(c) Stomach                                   (d) All of the above


  1. Which is the largest gland of digestive system in human beings?

(a) Salivary                                    (b) Liver

(c) Pancreas                                   (d) None of the above


  1. Absorption of digested food material occurs in which part of alimentary canal?

(a) Duodenum                               (b) Jejunum

(c) Colon                                         (d) Ileum


  1. Human beings obtain nutrition via holozoic mode but higher herbivores animals like cows etc obtain their food which mode?

(a) Saprophytic                              (b) Parasitic

(c) Holozoic                                   (d) Chemosynthetic


  1. In which part of alimentary canal complete digestion takes place?

(a) Buccal cavity                           (c) Stomach

(c) Small intestine                        (d) Large intestine


  1. Which of the following type of teeth are involved in tearing activities?

(a) Incisors        (b) Canines       (c) Premolars   (d) Molars


  1. Which of the following property makes intestine good for absorption of digested food?

(a) Presence of villi

(b) Rich supply of blood capillaries

(c) Thin epithelial covering

(d) All of the above



  1. (c)

  2. (b)

  3. (c)

  4. (b)

  5. (c)

  6. (d)

  7. (c)

  8. (c)

  9. (b)

  10. (d)