
Past Tense Forms Worksheet-4

Past Tense Forms Worksheet-4


  1. Give the simple past tense form of the given verb: Do

A. Done              B. Doing             C. Did                 D. Does


  1. Give the simple past tense form of the given verb: Comb

A. Combing       B. Combed        C. Combs           D. Comber


  1. Give the simple past tense form of the given verb: Hear

A. Hearing         B. Hears             C. Heard            D. Herd


  1. Give the simple past tense form of the given verb: Taste

A. Tasting          B. Tested            C. Tasted           D. Tastes


  1. Give the simple past tense form of the given verb: Feel

A. Feeling          B. Felt                 C. Feels              D. Feelingly


  1. Give the simple past tense form of the given verb: Walk

A. Walking        B. Walkes          C. Walked          D. Walks


  1. Give the simple past tense form of the given verb: Tell

A. Told               B. Telling           C. Tells               D. Teller


  1. Give the simple past tense form of the given verb: Talk

A. Talking          B. Talks              C. Talked           D. Talkies


  1. Give the simple past tense form of the given verb: Understand

A. Understanding                         B. Understood

C. Understands                             D. Misunderstand


  1. Give the simple past tense form of the given verb: Follow

A. Following     B. Followed       C. Follows         D. Follower


Answer Key:

  1. C

Explanation: ‘Do’ is an irregular verb and hence its form changes in the past tense.

  1. B

Explanation: ‘Comb’ is a regular verb and hence ‘ed’ is added to form the past tense form.

  1. C

Explanation: ‘Hear’ is an irregular verb and hence its form changes in the past tense.

  1. C

Explanation: ‘Taste’ is a regular verb that ends in ‘e’ and hence only ‘sd’ is added to form the past tense form.

  1. B

Explanation: ‘Feel’ is an irregular verb and hence its form changes in the past tense.

  1. C

Explanation: ‘Walk’ is a regular verb and hence ‘ed’ is added to form the past tense form.

  1. A

Explanation: ‘Tell’ is an irregular verb and hence its form changes in the past tense.

  1. C

Explanation: ‘Talk’ is a regular verb and hence ‘ed’ is added to form the past tense form.

  1. B

Explanation: ‘Understand’ is an irregular verb and hence its form changes in the past tense.

  1. B

Explanation: ‘Follow’ is a regular verb and hence ‘ed’ is added to form the past tense form.