
Fun with magnets Worksheet-6

Fun with magnets Worksheet-6


  1. Match the following:


Fill in the Blanks:

  1. Every magnet has ________ poles.
  2. An instrument with a magnet which is used to find geographical directions is called _________.
  3. When two like poles of magnets are brought close to each other, they experience _________ force
  4. When two unlike poles of magnets are brought close to each other, they experience _______ force.
  5. ________ magnet is a U-shaped magnet.
  6. Magnet that retains their properties only for a short period of time is called ________ magnet.
  7. The first magnet was discovered by a Greek shepherd named ________.
  8. Substances are attracted by magnets are known as _______ substances.
  9. If Earth is assumed to be made of large bar magnet, then the south pole is found deep inside the _________ hemisphere of the Earth.
  10. __________ is a special system of train transport system that has special arrangement of magnets that enable train to suspend and guide over the track.
  11. __________ is a piece of soft iron bar with a current carrying wire wound around it.
  12. Needle of a compass is a small ________ which orients in Earth’s magnetic field.


Answer Key:

  1. 1-b,  2-a,  3-e,  4-c,  5-d 
  2. 2/two
  3. Magnetic compass
  4. Repulsive
  5. Attractive
  6. Horseshoe/ Horse shoe
  7. temporary
  8. Magnets
  9. Magnetic
  10. Northern
  11. Maglev
  12. Electromagnet
  13. Magnet