
Climate and adaptation Worksheet-3

Climate and adaptation Worksheet-3


Multiple-Choice Question:

  1. Which one of the following is NOT a greenhouse gas?

(A) oxygen                                        (B) carbon dioxide                

(C) Oxides of nitrogen                     (D) all are greenhouse gases


  1. Along with carbon dioxide, ______ is largely responsible for the greenhouse effect of the atmosphere.

(A) water vapour                             (B) oxygen

(C) nitrogen                                      (D) hydrogen      


  1. Which of the following is a possible consequence of a greenhouse effect?

(A) rise in sea level

(B) change in agricultural productivity

(C) new weather patterns

(D) all of these


  1. What is the most common colour adaptation in nature?

(A) mimicry                                      (B) warning colouration

(C) camouflage                                (D) green


  1. Where does the Rough Green Snake live?

(A) in grasslands                              (B) on the ground        

(C) in trees                                        (D) in wetlands


  1. Which of the following is not a way to identify a pit viper?

(A) they have a pupil like a cat       (B) they shiny skin

(C) their head is triangle shaped    (D) their body is thick


  1. How are the teeth of snakes adapted for holding onto their prey?

(A) they are hollow                           (B) they are different lengths

(C) they are sharp and curved        (D) they are long and sharp


  1. Pits of a pit viper are an adaptation for_______.

(A) night vision   (B) taste               (C) hearing          (D) smell


  1. Why is the tail of the Five-Lined Skink bright blue?

(A) to confuse the predator            (B) to attract the predator

(C) it is poisonous                            (D) warning coloration


  1. What model does the best job of explaining what eats what in an ecosystem?

(A) food web                                    (B) food pyramid                  

(C) food triangle                              (D) food chain


Answer Key:

  1. (A)
  2. (A)
  3. (D)
  4. (C)
  5. (C)
  6. (B)
  7. (C)
  8. (A)
  9. (B)
  10. (A)