
Life Processes Worksheet-3

Life Processes Worksheet-3


  1. Name the term for transport of food from leaves to other parts of plants.


  1. Name the two stages of photosynthesis.


  1. Name the excretory unit of a kidney


  1. Name the respiratory organs of: (i) fish (ii) mosquito (iii) earthworm.


  1. Why is nutrition necessary for an organism?


  1. What is breathing?


  1. Name the type of blood vessels which carry blood from organs to the heart.


  1. Name the organelle in which photosynthesis occurs.


  1. Name the mode of nutrition in amoeba.


  1. Name the respiratory organs of animals like fish that live in water.


  1. Name two kinds of cells (elements) of xylem.


  1. Write the mode of nutrition in fungi.


  1. Name the largest artery in the human body.


  1. Name the pigment present in plants which can absorb solar energy.


  1. Name the vestigeal part of human alimentary canal.


  1. Which organelle in a cell is associated with the production of energy by aerobic respiration?


  1. Which of the four chambers of the human heart has the thickest muscular walls?


  1. How does diaphragm help in inspiration?


  1. Write the full form of SA-node. What is its other name?


  1. Why it is said in insects, exchange of gases takes place directly between the outer atmosphere and tissues?



  1. Translocation


  1. Light reaction and Dark reaction.


  1. Nephron


  1. Respiratory organs of:

(i) Fish                 –  Gills

(ii) Mosquito       –  Air tubes or trachea

(iii) Earthworm –  Skin


  1. Nutrition is necessary for an organism because it servers as energy source which is utilised in all physiological activities like growth, development and maintenance of life.


  1. The process of letting in oxygen from air into the lungs and carbon dioxide out of the lungs is called breathing.


  1. Veins.


  1. Plastid.


  1. The mode of nutrition in Amoeba is holozoic.


  1. Gills


  1. Tracheids and vessels


  1. Saprophytic nutrition.


  1. Aorta.


  1. Chlorophyll pigment.


  1. Vermiform appendix.


  1. Mitochondria.


  1. Left ventricle of the human heart has the thickest muscular walls.


  1. The diaphragm muscles contract and it moves down towards abdomen. This causes an increase in volume of thoracic cavity but decrease of air pressure. So, air is drawn into the lungs.


  1. Sino-atrial node. It is also called a ‘Pacemaker’.


  1. In insects, the ultimate branches of tracheae (tracheoles) open directly into the tissue fluid, which acts as a static medium for gas exchange, hence it is said that in insects exchange occurs directly between the atmosphere and the tissues.