
Protista: also known as protocista


  • Eukaryotic: Organisms placed in this phylum are made up of eukaryotic cell, i.e., the cell in which well defined nucleus and membrane bound organelles are present.
  • Unicellular: These simple organisms are always unicellular, i.e., a single cell performs all life sustaining functions and able to live as an independent organism.
  • Mode of nutrition: These organisms can be autotrophic or heterotrophic, i.e., either they can synthesize their own food or obtain their food from other organisms.
  • Autotrophic: Algae (Chlamydomonas, chlorella etc), diatoms

  • Heterotrophic: parasitic, saprophytic or holozoic.

Protozoa- amoeba, paramecium, euglena, trypanosoma, plasmodium, leishmania etc.


  • Cell wall: They may or may not have cell wall.
  • Locomotion: Some of these organisms possess locomotory organelles like- cilia (paramecium), flagella (euglena, chlamydomonas), and false feet-pseudopodia (amoeba).
  • Reproduction: These organisms reproduce by asexual mode usually by binary fission, multiple fission, conjugation etc.


Multiple fission