In an animal’s body a number of complex biological processes are carried out.
These processes can take place within a narrow range of temperature.
If the range is exceeded, the organism dies.
Desert animals have adapted themselves to live in their habitat.
The camel has several adaptations to survive in the desert.
Camel's long eyelashes and ear’s hair protect the eyes and ears from sand.
Fat stored in its hump acts as a food reserve.
Its long legs keep it further from hot sand.
Broad feet help in walking on sand without sinking in it.
It can drink a huge quantity of water at a time and can stay without water for a long time.
Its body loses very little water in the form of urine.
It can keep its nostrils closed to keep out sand.
It doesn't drink water.
It gets all the water it needs from its food (mostly seeds).
The oxygen that it breathes in combines with food to produce water inside the body.
Many desert animals and insects stay in deep underground burrows during the day to survive in hot conditions. e.g., the kangaroo rat.
Plants need to conserve moisture and energy in the dry desert.
Many plants slow down growth for half of the year to conserve moisture.
Plants also adapt to survive in the hot and dry climate of the deserts.
Most plants have long roots that go deep into the soil in search of water.
A cactus has the following modifications.
The leaves are modified as spines to minimize water loss.
Cactus has spines to prevent loss of water
The stem is green, to make food for the plant.
The stem is swollen and fleshy to store water.
Cactus has a thick, waxy coating that prevents water loss and helps it to retain water.
Stem of cactus plant
Ocotillo plant