


  • An ion is a positively or negatively charged atom (or group of atoms).



  • Cations are positively charged species and are formed when a metal atom loses electrons.
  • Cations are represented by symbol of element and positive sign as superscript (A+).


Sodium Cation:


Potassium Cation:


Magnesium Cation:


Calcium cation:



  • Anions are negatively charged species and are formed when the atom of an element gains electrons.
  • Anions are represented by symbol of element and negative sign as superscript (A).




Ionic Compounds:

  • The compounds which are made up of ions are known as ionic compounds.
  • In an ionic compound, the positively charged ions (cations) and negatively charged ions (anions) are held together by the strong electrostatic forces of attraction.

Sodium chloride Na+ + Cl → NaCl


Formation of calcium chloride CaCl2

  • The force which hold the ions together in an ionic compound is known as ionic bond or electrovalent bond.


For example:

  • sodium chloride (NaCl) is an ionic compound.