
Poles of a Magnet



Every magnet has two poles, North pole (N) and South pole (S). The areas of greatest magnetic force inside the magnet are called magnetic poles.


Rules of Magnet:

  1. Like poles repel each other. North pole of a magnet will repel north pole of another magnet. Similarly, south pole of a magnet will repel south pole of another magnet.

  1. Unlike poles attract each other. North pole of a magnet will attract south pole of another magnet.

  1. If a bar magnet is broken into two pieces along its width, two new pieces of magnets are formed each having North and South Pole

  1. If a bar magnet is broken into two pieces along its length, new pieces of magnets are formed and each having North and South Pole

  1. If a magnet is broken into large number of smaller pieces, large number of tiny magnets are formed each having North Pole and South Pole


Loss of Magnetism:

Improper use or storage of magnetic substances can cause loss of magnetic properties:

  1. Pair of bar magnets should be stored with unlike poles alongside each other.

  2. A horseshoe magnet should always be stored with a piece of soft iron kept across its pole.

  3. If a magnet is heated continuously it may loose its magnetic property

  4. If a magnet is dropped from a height, hit with a hammer, it may loose its magnetic property