
Garbage in, garbage out Worksheet-8

Garbage in, garbage out Worksheet-8


True or False:

  1. Chlorinated plastics shall not be incinerated.
  2. Green bins are used for plastic wastes.
  3. Vermi-composting is done with the help of earthworms.
  4. Paper is a non-biodegradable material.
  5. The process by which substances are broken down by tiny organisms is called degradation.
  6. Biodegradable wastes are those that cannot be broken down by decomposers.
  7. Two different types of garbage bins help in easy sorting and recycling of wastes to make beneficial products.
  8. Blue bins are for biodegradable wastes such as vegetables and fruit peels, spoilt food, etc.
  9. The biodegradable wastes are degraded by the action of small organisms such as bacteria and fungi.
  10. Red wigglers act on wastes and degrade them.
  11. Garbage buried inside landfills decomposes very fast.
  12. Clay and mud barriers do not allow the garbage to mix with soil and groundwater.
  13. One should not put animal product or oily substance in the pit as it could lead to the development of disease-causing organisms.
  14. Non-biodegradable wastes follow the concept of 3Rs- removes, restore, and recycle.
  15. Some disposable plastic containers and jars can be used to grow plants.
  16. We should always write on one side of paper sheets.
  17. Leaves, dead flowers, and egg shells can be recycled; they are converted into unwanted products by burying them in compost pits.
  18. Landfills are large areas used for waste disposal.
  19. Plastics contaminate foodstuffs.
  20. Body parts which are chemically pretreated can be incinerated.


Answer Key:

  1. True
  2. False
  3. True
  4. False
  5. False
  6. False
  7. True
  8. False
  9. True
  10. True
  11. False
  12. False
  13. True
  14. False
  15. True
  16. False
  17. False
  18. True
  19. True
  20. False