
Volcanoes, Earthquakes & Tidal Waves Worksheet-4

Volcanoes, Earthquakes & Tidal Waves Worksheet-4


Multiple Choice Questions (with more than one option):

  1. Mark the natural disasters.

(A) Volcanic eruptions      (B) Earthquakes

(C) Vehicle accidents         (D) Tidal waves

(E) Flood


  1. Mark different types of volcanoes according to the nature of their eruption.

(A) Active                    (B) Dormant               (C) High

(D) Low                       (E) Extinct


  1. Mark the reason/s that can cause an earthquake.

(A) Underground nuclear explosions

(B) Mining

(C) Quarrying

(D) Blasting


  1. Mark the things that can be done after the earthquakes.

(A) Check if anyone needs primary first aid or emergency services

(B) Spread rumors to worsen the situation

(C) Operate the electrical appliances

(D) Keep the streets vacant for the emergency services

(E) Do not crowd the damaged areas


  1. True/False

a.      Tidal waves, earthquakes and volcanoes cause great damage and loss of human and animal life.

b.      Underground pressure pushes up the molten rock.

c.      Saturn is believed to have some active volcanoes.

d.      The volcanoes that may erupt at any time or have erupted in the recent past years are known as extinct volcanoes.

e.      Volcanoes are usually in the form of conical mountains.

f.       Lava on cooling solidifies and form rocks.

g.      An island “Kingdom Of Tonga” was formed by the eruption of undersea volcanoes.

h.      Violent shaking movements caused by shifting rocks are known as aftershocks.

i.       The point on the Earth’s surface directly above the focus of an earthquake is known as target point of an earthquake.

j.       We can reduce/avoid accidents during earthquake by following certain safety rules.

k.      Earthquake can cause landslides and fires.

n.      The Richter scale has eight levels.

m.     Level 1 in the Richter scale indicates an earthquake that is almost not felt.

o.      Earthquake can cause destruction of properties, lives etc.,

p.      Tidal wave is the common name for “Tsunami”.

q.      The amount of damage caused by an earthquake is dependent on the type of ground on which the structures are built.


Miscellaneous Questions:

Write “should” or “should not” for the following statements regarding the actions to be taken at the time of an Earthquake.

  1. We ____ park the vehicles in the middle of the road.

  1. We ___ switch off the electrical appliances.

  1.  We ____ put off the gas knob.


Fill in the blanks:

  1. ___ occur due to the earthquakes under the oceans.
  2. Volcanoes that have not erupted in a long time but may erupt in future are known as ____ volcanoes.
  3. A sudden movement of a part of the Earth’s surface which is caused by severe shock waves that travel through solid rocks from underground to the surface is known as ____.
  4. The point under the ground where the earthquake begins is known as ___.


Answer Key:

(13)  (A,B,D,E)

(14)  (A,B,E)

(15)  (A,B,C,D)

(16)  (A,D,E)

(17)  a.True; b. True; c. False; d. False; e. True; f. True; g. True; h. False; i. False; j. True; k. True; n. True; m. True; o. True; p. True; q. False

(18)  should not/ shouldnot

(19)  should

(20) should

(21)  Tidalwave/ Tidal waves/ Tidalwave/ Tidalwaves

(22)  Dormant

(23)  earthquake/earthquakes

(24)  focus