
Charts and graphs Worksheet-1

Charts and graphs Worksheet-1


The pie diagram shows the favourite fruit of the students of class 5. Study the chart and answer the questions.

  1. Which is the most favourite fruit?

(a) Apple                                       (b) Pineapple

(c) Apple & pineapple both        (d) Banana


  1. Which is the least favourite fruit?

(a) Banana        (b) orange         (c) Apple            (d) Pineapple


  1. How many students like oranges?

(a) 5                    (b) 10                  (c) 12                  (d) 9


  1. Chickoo is favourite fruit of _______ students.

(a) 5                    (b) 10                  (c) 12                  (d) 9


  1. The difference between the number of students who like oranges and bananas_____.

(a) 5                    (b) 10                  (c) 12                  (d) 9


  1. How many students participated in the survey?

(a) 48                 (b) 45                  (c) 50                  (d) 42


Answer Key:

(1)-C; (2)-A; (3)-C; (4)-D; (5)-A; (6)-A